Sexy Hiking Sandal Success! Teva Zirra is the Best

An update on the winner of my “sexy hiking sandal” search, the Teva Zirra. They arrived a week before I left and I attempted to break them in by wearing them around my apartment each evening. #notthatbright
I donned them as soon as I reached my Easter Island hotel and didn’t really wear any other footgear the entire weekend until it was time to go to the airport. (Then I put on my favorite Christin Michael peeptoe pumps.)
Despite not really breaking them in, hiking a dusty rocky trail for 2 1/2 hours, and spending the next day walking through tall grass, wading into the ocean, jumping into caves, and balancing on rocks for the perfect statue picture, I had no blisters!
My feet were sore, but no blisters and no places where the straps had rubbed raw. AND I felt like the shoes looked nice enough that they weren’t out of place in the higher end restaurants I visited each night.
The best part was others’ reactions. Both my hotel host and guide thought they were normal pretty sandals and were concerned about my ability to walk on the trails. I actually had to show them that they had a hiking shoe sole before they would believe me. 🙂
Now that’s a good shoe!
I’ve also found these sandals are comfortable for light workouts and 30 minutes on the elliptical machine. So if you want to work out and don’t want to rent workout gear or find room for sneakers, these are a good option.
Update 5/25/16: It’s getting harder to find Teva Zirra sandals, but there’s a newer version, the Teva Verra sandal that is very similar, just has a velcro closure instead of a slip in and slightly more heel support.
I might have to get a pair of these for our trip to Australia/Asia! Cute + comfy is definitely a win!
You won’t regret it! They’re cheaper on Amazon, but DSW carries them if you want to try them on first. Head’s up they run a full size large.
I just ordered a pair!
What color? They all look nice. I was going to do black, but I found the chocolate chip stood out less. Tempted by the red 🙂
Do you recommend them for walking to work? I’m tempted by these crocs:,default,pd.html?cid=6S0&cgid=women-footwear-heelsWedges