WSJ Subscription for Only 9600 Verizon Smart Rewards Points

Verizon Smart Rewards is a terrible rewards program in my opinion. You have to opt in to a lot of data collection and then the points you earn are almost impossible to redeem for anything worthwhile. But, rikyes on Slickdeals has found a great redemption value if you’re sitting on a bunch of points.
New subscribers can get one year free of the Wall Street Journal for only 9,600 points! Unfortunately it looks like it’s not eligbile for gifting or renewals. They also have several magazine subscriptions available just with points.
- Afar
- Allure
- Better Homes & Gardens
- Cosmopolitan
- ESPN Magazine
- FamilyFun
- Oprah
- Rachel Ray Everyday
- Redbook
- Self
- Seventeen
Many of these title are ones that show up for $2 subscriptions through sites like, but what good are your Verizon Smart Rewards points anyway?
I know bloggers dont get paid for Verizon SmartReward points, but man – I could use help burning these incredibly useless points up.
Seems stupid to call them reward points, when they are so unrewarding.
I’m with you! That’s why I was so “excited” to see something even remotely worthwhile I could use them on. It seems like the deal of the day (2PM ET) might be another option that doesn’t require a cash component.